Stress Proliferation and Disability over the Life Course

TitleStress Proliferation and Disability over the Life Course
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWest, JS
Academic DepartmentSociology
UniversityDuke University
CityDurham, NC
Keywordshearing impaired, life course, stress process

For decades, life course and stress process scholars have documented that
negative, stressful experiences have consequences for health across the life course.
However, less attention has been paid to hearing impairment, a highly prevalent
functional limitation that has significant implications for the quality of life of older
adults. Hearing impairment is common at older ages (reported by 27.3% of those aged
65-74 and 45.1% of those aged 75 and older) and has negative consequences for the
quality of life not only of the focal individual but also for those close to them (CDC 2017,
Ciorba et al. 2012, Dalton et al. 2003, Wallhagen et al. 2004). The aim of this dissertation
is to apply a life course and stress process framework to the experience of hearing
impairment via two studies that each use nationally representative, longitudinal data from
the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). My findings contribute to our understanding of
marriage, family, gender, and health by moving beyond the traditional approach that
focuses on individuals with disabilities to explore the impacts of disability on spouses.
In Chapter 2, I build on the stress process framework by conceptualizing hearing
impairment as a chronic stressor that impacts mental health and examining the role of
social support in this relationship. Using fixed-effects regression models applied to three
waves of HRS data (2006, 2010, 2014), I found that worse self-rated hearing is associated
with a significant increase in depressive symptoms, and that social support interacted
with hearing impairment: low levels of social support were associated with more
depressive symptoms but only among people with poor self-rated hearing. Moreover
high levels of social support reduced depressive symptoms for those with poor hearing.
These findings suggest that hearing impairment is a chronic stressor in individuals' lives,
and that responses to this stressor vary by the availability of social resources.
Chapter 3 examines stress proliferation among married couples. While decades of
research show the health benefits of marriage, stress proliferation suggests that chronic
stressors such as disability may undermine social relations, thus limiting their role as a
coping resource. For this study, I matched couples by household identification number
over ten waves of the HRS (1998-2016). Fixed-effects regression models revealed that
wives’ hearing impairment is associated with an increase in husbands’ depressive
symptoms, but that husbands’ hearing impairment is not associated with wives’
depressive symptoms. This could be because women in heterosexual marriages have
traditionally been expected to monitor their husbands’ health, but not vice versa. Since
men are less used to serving as caregivers, they may find their wives’ hearing impairment
distressing. Also, wives usually find social support outside of the marriage, while
husbands traditionally rely on their wives for companionship. This would provide wives,
but not husbands, with external resources to cope with their spouses’ hearing impairment.
These findings reveal that the stress of hearing impairment does spill over from one
spouse to another, depending on gender.
Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that hearing impairment is a chronic
stressor that has major implications for individuals’ mental health. Moreover, the mental
health consequences of hearing impairment are not only limited to individuals but can
also spill over to impact spouses. Further research is needed to extend our understanding
of how disability, in general, and hearing impairment, specifically, shapes health across
the life course for individuals and those close to them.

Citation Key11652