Pathways to retirement: patterns of labor force participation and labor market exit among the pre-retirement population by race, Hispanic origin, and sex.

TitlePathways to retirement: patterns of labor force participation and labor market exit among the pre-retirement population by race, Hispanic origin, and sex.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsFlippen, C, Tienda, M
JournalJ Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
Date Published2000 Jan
ISSN Number1079-5014
Call Numberpubs_2000_Flippen_CJGSeriesB.pdf
KeywordsAged, Black or African American, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Employment, Female, Hispanic or Latino, Humans, Logistic Models, Male, Middle Aged, Personnel Downsizing, Regression Analysis, Retirement, Sex Factors, Socioeconomic factors, United States, White People

OBJECTIVES: This study examines the pre-retirement labor force participation behavior of Black, White, and Hispanic men and women to determine how patterns of labor market exit differ among groups.

METHODS: We combine data from the first and second waves of the Health and Retirement Study and apply multinomial logit regression techniques to model labor force status in the first wave of the HRS and change over time.

RESULTS: Black, Hispanic, and female elderly persons experience more involuntary job separation in the years immediately prior to retirement, and the resulting periods of joblessness often eventuate in "retirement" or labor force withdrawal. Minority disadvantage in human capital, health, and employment characteristics accounts for a large part of racial and ethnic differences in labor force withdrawal. Nevertheless, Black men and Hispanic women experience more involuntary labor market exits than Whites with similar socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.

DISCUSSION: Workers most vulnerable to labor market difficulties during their youth confront formidable obstacles maintaining their desired level of labor force attachment as they approach their golden years. This has significant policy implications for the contours of gender and race/ethnic inequality among elderly persons, particularly as life expectancy and the size of the minority elderly population continue to increase.

User Guide Notes

Endnote Keywords

Labor Force Participation/Health Status/Economic Status/Retirement Planning/Basic Demographics

Endnote ID


Alternate JournalJ Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
Citation Key6707
PubMed ID10728126
Grant ListAG12857 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States