Aging Subsidized Housing Residents: A Growing Problem in U.S. Cities

TitleAging Subsidized Housing Residents: A Growing Problem in U.S. Cities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsGibler, KM
JournalJournal of Real Estate Research
Call Numberpubs_2003_Gibler.pdf
KeywordsHealth Conditions and Status, Housing

Many low-income elderly live in subsidized housing in central cities. These aging tenants need aadaptive physical structures and supportive services in order to age in place, but lack the resources to pay for them. The responses to the AHEAD Wave 2 survey are used to compare the housing conditions of elderly subsidized housing residents with unsubsidized tenants. Results indicate subsidized tenants have greater health and physical limitations. They are likely to have physically appropriate housing, but unlikely to have access to supportive services that would allow them to age in place, creating a problem that policymakers must address.

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Citation Key6880