Leveraging the health and retirement study to advance palliative care research.

TitleLeveraging the health and retirement study to advance palliative care research.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKelley, A, Langa, KM, Cagle, JG, Ornstein, KA, Silveira, MJ, Nicholas, LHersch, Covinsky, KE, Ritchie, CS
JournalJ Palliat Med
Date Published2014 May
ISSN Number1557-7740
KeywordsAged, Caregivers, Evidence-Based Practice, Health Services Research, Health Surveys, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Needs Assessment, Pain Management, Palliative care, Quality of Life, Retirement, Sociological Factors, United States

BACKGROUND: The critical need to expand and develop the palliative care evidence base was recently highlighted by the Journal of Palliative Medicine's series of articles describing the Research Priorities in Geriatric Palliative Care. The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is uniquely positioned to address many priority areas of palliative care research. This nationally representative, ongoing, longitudinal study collects detailed survey data every 2 years, including demographics, health and functional characteristics, information on family and caregivers, and personal finances, and also conducts a proxy interview after each subject's death. The HRS can also be linked with Medicare claims data and many other data sources, e.g., U.S. Census, Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care.

SETTING: While the HRS offers innumerable research opportunities, these data are complex and limitations do exist. Therefore, we assembled an interdisciplinary group of investigators using the HRS for palliative care research to identify the key palliative care research gaps that may be amenable to study within the HRS and the strengths and weaknesses of the HRS for each of these topic areas.

CONCLUSION: In this article we present the work of this group as a potential roadmap for investigators contemplating the use of HRS data for palliative care research.

User Guide Notes


Endnote Keywords

Caregivers/Evidence-Based Practice/Needs Assessment/Pain Management/Palliative Care

Endnote ID


Alternate JournalJ Palliat Med
Citation Key8008
PubMed ID24694096
PubMed Central IDPMC4012620
Grant ListP30 AG028741 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
K23 AG040774 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
U01 AG009740 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
1K07AG31779 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
1K23AG040774-01A1 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
K01 AG041763 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
K24 AG029812 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG044281 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States