Veterans and Functional Status Transitions in Older Americans

TitleVeterans and Functional Status Transitions in Older Americans
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsLi, X, Engel, CC, Kang, H, Armstrong, DW
JournalMilitary Medicine
Pagination943 - 949
Date PublishedJan-10-2006
ISSN Number0026-4075
KeywordsOlder Adults, Retirement Planning and Satisfaction, Transitions, Veterans

Objectives: This research examines the relationship of veteran status with functional status transitions in older Americans. Methods: Data for this study come from the Survey of Asset and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old. We use a structural multinomial logit model to decompose the effect of older veterans into the direct effect and the indirect effects via physical health conditions and mental disorders on functional status transitions. Results: Although there is no distinct association among those functionally independent at baseline, veteran status significantly impacts age-dependent transitions from functional dependence to other statuses. At age 85, the excess mortality and the lower level of functional resolution among functionally dependent veterans are considerable. Conclusions: Physical health is more important than mental health in transmitting the effect of veteran status on functional status transitions in functionally dependent persons.

Citation Key8761
PubMed ID17076444