Validating Mortality Ascertainment in the Health and Retirement Study

TitleValidating Mortality Ascertainment in the Health and Retirement Study
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsWeir, DR
Date Published11/2016
InstitutionSurvey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
CityAnn Arbor, Michigan

Accurate tracking of mortality is of central importance in longitudinal studies of older populations, both as an important health outcome and as a necessary part of accounting for the representativeness of the panel over time. For nationally representative studies where good population life tables exist the quality of mortality ascertainment can be validated by comparison with life tables. This is demonstrated here for the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), using both period and cohort comparisons from 1992-2011. Mortality ascertainment in the HRS is effectively complete.

Citation Key9022
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