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Liu H, Tanksley PT, Motz RT, Kail RM, Barnes JC. Incarceration, polygenic risk, and depressive symptoms among males in late adulthood. Social Science Research. 2022;104:102683. doi:


Liu H. Genetic architecture of socioeconomic outcomes: Educational attainment, occupational status, and wealth. Social Science Research. 2019;82:137-147. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.04.008.
Barnes JC, Liu H, Motz RT, et al. The propensity for aggressive behavior and lifetime incarceration risk: A test for gene-environment interaction (G × E) using whole-genome data. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2019;49. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2019.07.002.


Liu H. Social and Genetic Pathways in Multigenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment. American Sociological Review. 2018;83(2):278-304. doi:10.1177/0003122418759651.


Liu H, Guo G. Lifetime Socioeconomic Status, Historical Context, and Genetic Inheritance in Shaping Body Mass in Middle and Late Adulthood. American Sociological Review. 2015;80(4):705-737. doi:10.1177/0003122415590627.
Wang L, Shen H, Liu H, Guo G. Mixture SNPs effect on phenotype in genome-wide association studies. BMC Genomics. 2015;16:3. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-16-3.


Guo G, Wang L, Liu H, Randall T. Genomic assortative mating in marriages in the United States. PLoS One. 2014;9(11):e112322. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112322.