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Burkhauser RV, Weathers, II RR. Access to wealth among older workers in the 1990s and how it is distributed: Data from the Health and Retirement Study. In: Shapiro TM, Wolfe EN, eds. Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership. Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership. New York: Russell Sage Press; 2001:74-131.
Engen EM, Gale WG, Uccello CE. The Adequacy of Household Saving. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1999;2:65-165.
Berry BM. All the Ties that Bind: Race, Ethnicity, and Why Families Support Adult Children. University of Michigan, Population Studies Center; 2001.
Alternate Wave Question Cross-Reference Table. 2016.
Hurd MD, Rohwedder S. Alternative Measures of Replacement Rates. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Retirement Research Center, University of Michigan; 2006.
Gavin K. As dementia’s toll on the U.S. rises, new study shows major gaps in who gets care that could help them remain at home. News Release.
Myers GC, F. Juster T, Suzman RM. Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD): initial results from the longitudinal study. Introduction. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1997;52 Spec No:v-viii.
Soldo BJ, Hurd MD, Rodgers WL, Wallace RB. Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old: An overview of the AHEAD Study. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 1997;52B(Spec):1-20.
Himmelstein KEW, Lawrence JA, Jahn JL, et al. Association Between Racial Wealth Inequities and Racial Disparities in Longevity Among US Adults and Role of Reparations Payments, 1992 to 2018. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(11):e2240519. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.40519.
Rehkopf D, Jencks C, M. Glymour M. The association of earnings with health in middle age: Do self-reported earnings for the previous year tell the whole story?. Social Science and Medicine. 2010;71(3):431-439. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.03.045.
Brilleman SL, Wolfe R, Moreno-Betancur M, et al. Associations between community-level disaster exposure and individual-level changes in disability and risk of death for older Americans. Soc Sci Med. 2017;173:118-125. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.12.007.


Feinglass J, Lin S, Thompson JA, et al. Baseline health, socioeconomic status, and 10-year mortality among older middle-aged Americans: findings from the Health and Retirement Study, 1992 2002. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2007;62(4):S209-17. doi:10.1093/geronb/62.4.s209.
Pu A, Paul S, Luke B, Bhattacharyya T. Better Mobility Is Associated With Higher Incomes and Longer Working Years Among Older Adults. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Forthcoming. doi:10.1097/CORR.0000000000002886.
Shea DG, Short PF, M. Powell P. Betwixt and Between: Targeting coverage reforms to those approaching Medicare. Health Affairs. 2001;20(1):219-30. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.20.1.219.
Hogan R, Perrucci CC. Black Women: Truly disadvantaged in the transition from employment to retirement income. Social Science Research. 2007;36(3):1184. doi:


Scholz JKarl. Can Americans Maintain Pre-Retirement Consumption Standards in Retirement?. University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2001.
Venti SF, Wise DA. The Cause of Wealth Dispersion at Retirement: Choice or Chance?. American Economic Review. 1998;88(2):185-91.
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Banerjee S. Change in Household Spending After Retirement: Results from a Longitudinal Sample. Washington, DC, Employee Benefit Research Institute; 2015.
Smith JP. The Changing Economic Circumstances of the Elderly: Income, Wealth and Social Security. Syracuse University; 1997.
Kopinska JAleksandra, Atella V, Bhattacharya J, Miller G. The Changing Relationship between Bodyweight and Longevity in High- and Low-Income Countries. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research; 2021. doi:10.3386/w28813.
Bosworth B, Burke K. Changing Sources of Income Among the Aged Population. Newton, MA: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College; 2012.
Bender KA. Characteristics of individuals with integrated pensions. Soc Secur Bull. 1999;62(3):28-40.
Haas SA, M. Glymour M, Berkman LF. Childhood health and labor market inequality over the life course. J Health Soc Behav. 2011;52(3):298-313. doi:10.1177/0022146511410431.